Template:Battle Screen Explanation
① Normal Attack Button[edit source]
By pressing this button, the Statue will do a normal attack.
Skill[edit source]
When a Skill button is pushed, various special techniques are activated for each character.
By pressing the Skill button, you can check the next action after using the Skill.
For the specifics of the Skill Button, check the 'Skill Button Explanation' section down below.
② Skill Button[edit source]
Pressing this button activates a characteristic Skill for each character.
③ Mind Skill Button[edit source]
By equipping a Skill Mind, additional Skill buttons will appear in this part.
Press it to activate your Mind Skill.
④ SP Skill Button[edit source]
Pressing this button activates a characteristic SP Skill for each character.
⑤ Mind SP Skill Button[edit source]
By equipping a SP Skill Mind, additional SP Skill buttons will appear in this part.
Press it to activate your Mind SP Skill.
⑥ Deadly SP Skill Button[edit source]
Pressing this button activates a characteristic Deadly SP Skill for each character.
⑦ Assist Skill Button[edit source]
Pressing this button activates the Assist Skill of the Assists character on the team.
⑧ Reversal Gauge[edit source]
The Reversal Gauge will rise as you attack enemies and receive damage.
When the Gauge is full, you will activate 'Reversal Mode' is you press the button.
The number of turns of 'Reversal Mode' will be displayed.
⑨ Team Members Status[edit source]
You can check the current status of the team members.
The HP bar and status change icons for each member are displayed.
⑩ Reserve Member[edit source]
The member on Reserve that's currently not in battle.
⑪ Reserve Button[edit source]
By pressing this button, you can replace the member of the turn with the Reserve Member.
⑫ Enemies' Type, HP Bar & Target[edit source]
You can check the current number, Battle Type and current HP of the enemies on the Area.
The icon letter on them is used to distinguish them individually.
The Target Mark indicated the enemy who will be attacked on the turn.
You can change the Target by tapping on the enemy icon or the enemy himself.
⑬ Attack Order[edit source]
The attacks are carried out in order from the right.
⑭ Attack Omen[edit source]
Pay attention when a 'ドドド' effect appears on the enemy.
If the turn of an enemy with a !! comes, he'll deal various types of special attacks, such as powerful techniques that bring 1 member to 0 HP or sealings (that seals you from carrying out an Action).
The number displayed on the enemy icon is the number of turns until !! comes.
⑮ Quest's Rate of Progression[edit source]
Displays the progress rate of the quest.
⑯ Number of Items Acquired[edit source]
Displays the number of items earned in battle.
The Items can be seen on the Pause Button.
⑰ Auto Mode Button[edit source]
Turns Auto Mode ON and OFF.
⑱ Pause Button[edit source]
Makes the Pause Windos appear.
In the Pause Window you can see the winning requirement, the Stage Missions and the Item you have earned in Battle.
Skill Button Explanation[edit source]
① Use Limit[edit source]
The number in the lower right of the Skill Button is a limit on how many times you can activate it within a Quest.
When there is no Use Limit, the Skill can be used all times you want.
② Big Right Arrow[edit source]
If you activate a Skill with this Arrow, the next Attack Order will come quickly.
③ Small Right Arrow[edit source]
If you activate a Skill with this Arrow, the next Attack Order may come early.
④ Coolturn[edit source]
After using a Skill, you won't be able to use it again until the displayed turns have passed.