Pet Shop

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Pet Shop.png

[Part 3: Stardust Crusaders][edit | edit source]

One of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods, a falcon Stand user.

Those who dare come close to DIO's mansion shall be quickly eliminated by him.

Thinking of Iggy as an enemy, he relentlessly chased him and put up a tremendous fight where Iggy had to gnaw his own forefoot just to survive.

In addition, he smirked at Iggy and licked some of the blood from his injured chest.

Stand: 「Horus」

List of Statues[edit | edit source]

(6★) Pet Shop (Tactical) icon.png
(5★) Pet Shop (Tactical) icon.png
(4★) Pet Shop (Tactical) icon.png
(3★) Pet Shop (Tactical) icon.png

References[edit | edit source]

JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia